independent expert to examine the existing international criminal and human rights framework for the protection of persons from enforced or involuntary disappearance يبدو
انقر فوق زر التشغيل لتشغيل الصوت
كلمة بكلمة
- independent يبدو
- expert يبدو
- to يبدو
- examine يبدو
- the يبدو
- existing يبدو
- international يبدو
- criminal يبدو
- and يبدو
- human يبدو
- rights يبدو
- framework يبدو
- for يبدو
- the يبدو
- protection يبدو
- of يبدو
- persons يبدو
- from يبدو
- enforced يبدو
- or يبدو
- involuntary يبدو
- disappearance يبدو
كلمات ذات صلة
- "independent expert on the situation of human rights in the sudan" يبدو
- "independent expert on the situation of human rights in uzbekistan" يبدو
- "independent expert study group" يبدو
- "independent expert to assist the high commissioner in examining the question of the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism" يبدو
- "independent expert to direct an in-depth study of the question of violence against children" يبدو
- "independent expert to facilitate cooperation between the government of chad and the office of the high commissioner in the promotion and protection of human rights" يبدو